Paid Vacation
Policy Statement
Vacation time accrues on a fiscal year basis -- from July 1 through June 30 and, with supervisory approval, may be used as it is earned. The total allowance earned in a year must be used by June 30 of the following year. An employee cannot carry a vacation time balance of more than the time earned in the prior year, and any additional accrued time is forfeited. An employee also cannot receive pay in lieu of unused vacation except upon termination and then only for earned unused vacation days.
Changes in an employee’s accrual rate take effect on July 1 of the fiscal year following the employee’s anniversary date. For instance, if the employee’s anniversary date is February 1, the new accrual rate goes into effect in the new fiscal year starting July 1.
Vacation pay will be based upon the employee's current base salary.
Employees transferring to a new department may carry up to a maximum of one year of vacation accrual.