Paid Vacation

Policy Statement

Vacation time accrues on a fiscal year basis -- from July 1 through June 30 and, with supervisory approval, may be used as it is earned. The total allowance earned in a year must be used by June 30 of the following year. An employee cannot carry a vacation time balance of more than the time earned in the prior year, and any additional accrued time is forfeited. An employee also cannot receive pay in lieu of unused vacation except upon termination and then only for earned unused vacation days.

Changes in an employee’s accrual rate take effect on July 1 of the fiscal year following the employee’s anniversary date. For instance, if the employee’s anniversary date is February 1, the new accrual rate goes into effect in the new fiscal year starting July 1. 

Vacation pay will be based upon the employee's current base salary.

Employees transferring to a new department may carry up to a maximum of one year of vacation accrual.


Columbia University provides paid vacation time to certain employees, including Administrative Officers and Non-Union Support Staff. (Vacation for Union Support Staff is governed by their respective collective bargaining agreements.) This policy describes the vacation time that is provided to Administrative Officers and Non-Union Support Staff, and the accrual thereof.

Administrative Officers and Non-Union Support Staff.


Administrative Officers and Support Staff and those who have supervisory responsibilities.

Accrual Schedule

  • Full-time regular Officers accrue vacation time commencing with the employee's hire date, and shall be earned at the following rate, based on length of service:
    • Date of hire to 20 years: earns 2 days per completed month of service up to a maximum of 23 days
    • 20 years or more: earns 2 1/3 days per completed month of service up to a maximum of 28 days
  • Full-time temporary Officers working 4 months or more shall earn at the following rate:
    • Earns 1 day per completed month of service up to a maximum of 10 days per year
  • Part-time Officers working a regular schedule of 20 hours per week or more shall earn at the following rate:
    • Earns 1 day per completed month of service up to a maximum of 10 days per year
  • Part-time Officers working less than 20 hours per week, full-time temporary officers working less than 4 months, and variable-hour officers do not accrue vacation time.
  • Officers covered under a collective bargaining agreement will follow the vacation schedule contained in their contract.


  • Officers do not accrue vacation during an extended paid leave of absence (for one or more whole months, or for 30 calendar days or longer). For vacation, if the leave covers one or more whole calendar months, the accrual is not earned during those months. If a leave overlaps two calendar months and is at least 30 calendar days in length, the vacation accrual is not earned in the second month (e.g., if an officer is on leave from mid-January to mid-February, they don't accrue their February vacation days).
  • No vacation time is accrued during an unpaid leave of any duration.

Accrual Schedule



  • 2 months but less than 15 years: earns 2 days per completed month of service following probationary period up to 20 days
  • 15 years but less than 20 years: earns 2 days per completed month of service up to 22 days
  • 20 years or more: earns 2 days per completed month of service up to 25 days

Part-time Non-Union Support Staff working a regular schedule of 20 hours per week or more shall earn at the following rate:

  • Earns 1 day per completed month of service up to a maximum of 10 days per year

Part-time Non-Union Support Staff working less than 20 hours per week do not accrue vacation time.

CUIMC, including Harlem Hospital Center

  • 2 months but less than 20 years: earns 2 days per completed month of service following probationary period up to 20 days
  • 20 years or more: earns 2 days per completed month of service up to 25 days

Part-time Non-Union Support Staff (CUIMC) working a regular schedule of 20 hours per week or more shall earn at the following rate:

  • Earns 1 day per completed month of service up to a maximum of 10 days per year

Part-time Non-Union Support Staff working less than 20 hours per week do not accrue vacation time.

Casual employees do not accrue vacation time.


  • Non-Union Support Staff do not accrue vacation during a leave of absence.
  • Non-Union Support Staff who terminate within the first six months of employment will not receive monthly vacation credit for the probationary period, but will receive monthly vacation credit for months 3-6 provided they work through the last day of the month.
  • Non-Union Support Staff who terminate after six months of employment will receive vacation credit based on the accrual schedule above.