Medical Leave of Absence: Full-Time Officers of Administration
Full-time Officers of Administration are entitled to a paid medical leave for up to six months during any rolling 12-month period when extended absence is caused by illness or accident.
• The Officer must provide proof of illness or accident, (e.g. a physician’s note,) within one week of disability onset.
• The Officer must be under a physician’s care consistent with the medical condition in order to be approved for a medical leave of absence.
• Additionally, for non-occupational claims, if not already submitted, the Officer must file a New York State Disability Claim with the Carrier and, if applicable, the Department of Labor FMLA form WH-380E.
• For non-occupational illness consistent with New York State Disability guidelines, the claim submission to our provider must be completed within 30 days of claiming disability.
• Officers injured on the job must complete an accident report as soon as possible after the accident and submit the form to their supervisor.
• The University, at any time during the leave of absence, may at its own expense require an examination by a University-designated physician and may place salary on hold pending such evaluation.
• Officers taking leave for a serious health condition will be required to obtain medical clearance from their healthcare provider prior to returning to work. The University may require additional clearance by a University-designated physician.
• While on medical leave the Officer is expected to remain at his or her primary residence. Any plans to relocate or extended travel may result in ineligibility for a medical leave of absence.
• If an Officer is already on vacation and becomes ill, paid medical leave cannot be utilized unless the Officer provides proof that he or she has been hospitalized, on other than an outpatient basis, and with the approval of the University.
Important Notes:
• While on paid medical leave by Columbia University, Officers who receive New York State Disability payments or Workers Compensation payments must immediately remit these payments to the University. Benefits under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), if applicable, run concurrently while receiving paid medical leave.
• Pregnancy-related disability is treated like any other non-occupational disability circumstance. At the cessation of the disability period, the Officer may request an unpaid parental care leave.
• Prior to exhausting six months of paid medical leave, and in connection with requests to return to work, full-time Officers are required to provide medical documentation to the CU HR Leave Management Office regarding their current status. As applicable, an Officer returning prior to the exhaustion of paid medical leave will be returned to the same position or a comparable position. Officers who exhaust the six-month period of paid medical leave and who are unable to return to work should apply for long-term disability and are expected to discuss expectations about the ability to return to work with CUHR Leave Management.
• Note: Officers do not accrue vacation or personal days during a paid leave of absence (for one or more whole months, or for 30 calendar days or longer).