Leaves of Absence
The University has established leave of absence policies for its employees to use as needed and when appropriate. Some policies are paid and include full benefits, others are unpaid; however, employees may choose to continue their benefits by paying their premiums directly to the University. A brief summary of each type of leave is detailed below, as well as a link to take you to the full policy of that particular leave of absence.
Full-time Officers of Administration shall be entitled to a paid medical leave for up to six months during any rolling 12-month period when extended absence is caused by illness or accident.
Please refer to the University’s policy on Medical Leave of Absence (Full-Time Officers of Administration) for complete information.
The policy below describes paid medical leave for Non-Union Support Staff. Those employees covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement shall follow the schedule as stipulated in their collective bargaining agreements.
For complete information on the University attendance policy, please refer to the section called Time and Attendance on the HR Manager Toolkit website.
Please refer to the University’s policy on Medical Leave of Absence (Non-Union Support Staff) for complete information.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) applies to all eligible faculty and staff.
In summary, FMLA requires that an "eligible" employee must be granted in total up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave during any twelve-month period for any of the following reasons:
- The birth or adoption of a child or the foster care placement of a child. FMLA leave must be concluded within twelve months of the birth, adoption or placement of the child;
- To care for the employee's spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition;
- A serious health condition of the employee that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of employee's job.
Please refer to the Family and Medical Leave Act for complete information.
Parental Care Leave
This leave is applicable to all full-time Officers of Administration, benefits-eligible part-time Officers of Administration and Non-Union Support Staff.
An unpaid parental care leave of up to six months is available to full-time Officers of Administration who have been employed by the University for three months or longer. Employees eligible for parental care leave include biological parents, parents of a legally adopted child or foster child, and others in parental care relationships. Employees may use this benefit once within a 12-month rolling year. In cases where both parents work in the same department at Columbia University, any leave beyond the FMLA period will require approval by the departmental administrator to schedule the time appropriately.
Support staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall follow the leaves of absence options as stipulated in their union contract.
This leave is applicable to all full-time Officers of Administration, benefits-eligible part-time Officers of Administration and Non-Union Support Staff.
An unpaid parental care leave of up to six months is available to full-time Officers of Administration who have been employed by the University for three months or longer. Employees eligible for parental care leave include biological parents, parents of a legally adopted child or foster child, and others in parental care relationships. Employees may use this benefit once within a 12-month rolling year. In cases where both parents work in the same department at Columbia University, any leave beyond the FMLA period will require approval by the departmental administrator to schedule the time appropriately.
Please refer to the University’s policy on Parental Care Leave for complete information.
Support staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall follow the leaves of absence options as stipulated in their union contract.
This leave is applicable to all full-time Officers of Administration, benefits-eligible part-time Officers of Administration and Non-Union Support Staff.
A full-time employee who has completed twelve months of service may be granted a leave of absence for personal reasons, without pay, not to exceed six months. These leaves are granted only in cases not covered by any other University policy for leaves of absence and require the approval of both the employee’s department head and the office of the Vice President for Human Resources.
Some typical reasons for granting such leaves include: illness in the family; education; or compelling personal needs. The University reserves the right to require written substantiation of the conditions prompting the need for such a leave of absence.
Please refer to the University’s policy on Personal Leave of Absence for complete information.
Support staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall follow the leaves of absence options as stipulated in their union contract.
Columbia University supports its employees who serve in the United States military. We realize that employees who serve in the military may need time off from work for military service. Employees who participate in military service that meets the conditions outlined in the policy text are guaranteed reemployment in a position of equal pay, status and service credit at the end of military service.
- All regular full-time and part-time University employees who serve in the Armed Forces
- All regular full-time and part-time University employees who serve in the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
- All regular full-time and part-time University employees serving in any position designated by the President of the United States during a time of war or emergency
Employees requesting uniformed service leave must present a copy of the military orders to the appropriate department head at least two weeks prior to leave. This documentation should contain the reason for the leave and the expected duration.
Support staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall follow the leaves of absence options as stipulated in their union contract.
Please refer to the University’s policy on Uniformed Service Leave of Absence for complete information.