Worker's Compensation
All officers and support staff are covered by the provisions of the New York State Workers' Compensation Law. Benefits are provided under this law for job-related illnesses or accidents. The law provides that weekly benefits begin after the seventh calendar day of absence. If the employee is being paid by both Columbia University and New York State, the employee must return the State check to the University. The law also provides for payment of certain medical expenses and certain other expenses caused by the illness or accident.
As required by New York State Law, all job related illnesses or accidents must be reported promptly to the Workers' Compensation Board. Accidents should be immediately reported by notifying HR Employee and Labor Relations. Copies of the "Report of Accident" form may be obtained from this office. The submission of the report does not indicate agreement that an accident/illness has occurred. The supervisor must send a report of all illnesses or accidents immediately to HR Employee and Labor Relations. The University reserves the right to require verification of injury by a physician of its choice. Neither vacation nor sick leave is accrued during such absence.