Tuition Exemption Benefits For Support Staff, Non-Union Support Staff, and Union Members
Support Staff - Tuition Exemption: Eligibility
A person on the payroll as a member of the full-time or part-time support staff is eligible for the Tuition Exemption.
Benefit Note: The required number of hours in a regularly scheduled part-time work week may vary; union members need to consult the relevant collective bargaining agreement for exact eligibility requirements.
The support staff member must also be actively at work and not on any kind of leave of absence. (For regular MEBA and MM&P employees, periods of time off-vessel are considered active employment.) The staff member must either be in a non-union support staff position or covered under a collective bargaining agreement with one of:
- Local 1199/Morningside (Clerical & Cafeteria Units)
- Local 2110 UAW
- Local 100 (Kitchen & Dining Room Employees)
- MEBA, MM&P, SSA (Medical Center)
- TWU Local 241 (Maintenance & Custodial Employees, Security Officers, and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO))
Those in a position covered by a collective bargaining agreement should also consult that agreement for details about the program to ensure that they understand their specific eligibility requirements.
In addition to being eligible for the Tuition Exemption benefit, support staff and family members must also be accepted into the school they wish to attend. Click on the “Prospective Students” at for more information.
Eligibility for Support Staff Family Members:
A person on the payroll as a member of the full-time or part-time support staff is eligible for the Tuition Exemption Benefit.
Note: The required number of hours in a regularly scheduled part-time work week may vary; union members need to consult the relevant collective bargaining agreement for exact eligibility requirements.
The support staff member must also be actively at work and not on any kind of leave of absence. (For regular MEBA and MM&P employees, periods of time off-vessel are considered active employment.) The staff member must either be in a non-union support staff position or covered under a collective bargaining agreement with one of:
- Local 1199/Morningside (Clerical & Cafeteria Units)
- Local 2110 UAW
- Local 100 (Kitchen & Dining Room Employees)
- MEBA, MM&P, SSA (Medical Center)
- TWU Local 241 (Maintenance & Custodial Employees, Security Officers, and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO))
Those in a position covered by a collective bargaining agreement should also consult that agreement for details about the program to ensure that they understand their specific eligibility requirements.
In addition to being eligible for the Tuition Exemption benefit, support staff and family members must also be accepted into the school they wish to attend. Click on the “Prospective Students (link is external)” link at for more information.