Stated Rules of the Faculty of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

The Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Stated Rules of the Faculty of the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (aka the VP&S Bylaws) are outlined below. This policy outlines the rights, and powers of the faculty in VP&S. This policy also outlines the administrative functions the Faculty Council, its Executive Committee as well as the administration and functions of the VP&S Committees: the Committee on Education Policy and Curriculum, the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Committee on Appointments and Promotions, the Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CUIMC), and the Committee on Admissions. Lastly, the policy outlines the VP&S Academic Review and Appeal Committee composition and functions.

Section I

A.    Membership of the Faculty

The Faculty of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons shall consist of the President of the University, the Provost, the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, and such officers of administration, instruction and research as may be assigned thereto by the Trustees on nomination of the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine.

All Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, Senior Research Scholars and Scientists, Research Scholars and Scientists, and Associate Research Scholars and Scientists, without regard to qualifying adjectives in titles, shall be members of the Faculty of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons.

B.    Rights of Membership

Members of the Faculty of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons shall have the right to:
1.    attend meetings of the Faculty of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons and vote therein;
2.    serve on committees constituted by the Faculty Council; and
3.    serve on the Faculty Council if duly elected according to the by-laws of their Department of Instruction.

The right to vote within a Department of Instruction shall be defined by the by-laws of that Department as approved by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine.

C.    Meetings

There shall be two regular meetings of the Faculty each year. Additional meetings may be held on the call of the President of the University, the Provost, Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, or upon petition of one hundred members of the Faculty to consider specific questions.

D.    Powers (University Statutes, Article 35)

The Faculty and related administrative boards, subject to the reserved power of the Trustees and the provisions of the Statutes, shall have the power and it shall be their duty:
1.    to fix the [academic] requirements for admissions, the program of studies, the conditions of graduation, and to recommend for degrees students who have fulfilled these conditions;
2.    to establish the rules for ascertaining the proficiency of students and for the assignment of honors;
3.    to fix the time of examinations;
4.    to prepare and publish [from time to time] a statement of the program of studies, specifying the studies to be pursued each year and in each of the departments of instruction;
5.    to make all regulations for their proceedings and for the better government of the school as shall not contravene the Charter of the Corporation, the Statutes, or any resolution of the Trustees or University Senate.
The Faculty shall act on all such matters as may be referred to it by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, or the Faculty Council. Through the Departments of Instruction, the Faculty shall elect members to the Faculty Council.

E.    Limitations of Powers (University Statutes, Article 36)

Every proposed exercise of powers conferred on the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons which involves a change in the educational policy of the University in respect to requirements of admission, the program of studies, or the conditions of graduation, shall be submitted to the University Senate before being recommended to the Trustees, and such recommendation shall not be laid before the Trustees until the University Senate has acted thereon, or until another meeting of the University Senate has been held. No exercise of such powers by any faculty or administrative board shall take effect until the same shall have been submitted to the Trustees at one meeting and another meeting shall have been held.

F.    University Senate (University Statutes, Articles 20, 21)

The Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons shall be represented in the University Senate by:
a.    Five officers of instruction having an appointment without stated term as Professors or Associate Professors (University Statutes, Articles 60 & 61) to be elected from and by such officers of instruction.
b.    One officer of instruction having an appointment for a stated term to be elected from and by such officers of instruction.
c.    One student to be elected from and by such students as provided in University Statutes, Article 21.

All will serve for a period of two years.

A Divisional Electoral Commission will be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council each year. This commission will receive nominations and conduct elections in accord with the Elections Code of the University Senate and must abide by the regulations laid down by the Senate Elections Commission. The Divisional Electoral Commission will contain at least one representative from each of the three constituencies listed above.

Section II

Faculty Council

There shall be a Faculty Council which shall consist of the President of the University, the Provost, the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, the Secretary of the University ex officio, the Chief Executive Officers of those affiliated hospitals having a major or graduate role in the instructional programs of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, the Chair of each Department of Instruction, members elected from each Department of Instruction and members elected from each of the affiliated hospitals. In addition, all Assistant, Associate and Vice Deans shall attend meetings of the Faculty Council as non-voting participants. Elected members shall be distributed among the ranks of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, Senior Research Scholars and Scientists, Research Scholars and Scientists, and Associate Research Scholars and Scientists, and shall serve for a period of three years. Such members may be elected for consecutive and/or subsequent terms. Election of new members shall take place during the spring, and the term of office shall begin in the fall. The Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine shall preside, except when the President or the Provost is in attendance, in which case the highest ranking officer presides.
A.    Representation

Representatives elected to the Faculty Council shall be chosen as follows:

1.    Departments of Instruction

The Departments of Instruction shall have the right to elect representatives to the Faculty Council according to a formula for determination of the number of elected representatives:

Number of full time Faculty in the Department of Instruction with titles of Assistant to Full Professor at CUMC, unmodified (tenure/tenure track) Assistant to Full Professor, and Associate to Senior Research Scholars and Scientists | Elected Representatives (in addition to the Chair of the Department)
1-10 | 1
11-20 | 2
21-30 | 3
31-40 | 4
41-50 | 5
51-60 | 6
61-70 | 7
71-80 | 8
81-90 | 9
91-100 | 10
Over 100 | 11
Faculty who do not hold full-time Columbia University titles are not eligible to serve. The representatives of each Department of Instruction in the Faculty Council shall be reassessed every three years in accordance with the formula above.

2.    Affiliated Hospital

Subject to renegotiation of the existing affiliation agreements, the Medical Boards of affiliated hospitals shall elect from the members of the Faculty of their hospital one representative to the Faculty Council, except two members shall be elected from Harlem Hospital Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital.

3.    For the purpose of determining representation in the Faculty Council, a member holding appointments in two departments or appointed in one department and assigned to another shall be considered to be a member of the department as specified in the interdepartmental agreement.

B.    Right to Vote

The Faculty Council may invite officers of instruction or administration in the University to take part in its deliberations, but only members shall have the right to vote.

C.    Powers

The Faculty Council shall act on behalf of the Faculty and shall exercise all powers accorded the Faculty under University Statutes, Article 35.

The Faculty Council shall also have the power to:

1.    Establish committees as deemed necessary for the performance of the functions of the Faculty;
2.    Act on all such matters as may be referred to it by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine and the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council;
3.    Approve the agenda for meetings of the Faculty as prepared by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Science and Medicine and the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council.

D.    Limitation of Powers (University Statutes, Article 36)

The Faculty Council shall set on behalf of the Faculty and shall limit its powers in accordance with University Statutes, Article 26.

E.    Officers

A Secretary shall be appointed annually by the Dean, on the advice of the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of all meetings of the Faculty Council which minutes shall be submitted to the President.

F.    Meetings

1.    Meetings of the Faculty Council shall be at the call of the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine. Meetings ordinarily shall be quarterly during the academic year. A special meeting shall be called within seven days of the written request of ten members.
2.    In its proceedings, the Faculty Council shall be guided by rules of order commonly observed by deliberative assemblies in this country.
3.    For ordinary business, thirty-three percent of the members shall constitute a quorum. The Secretary shall keep a record of attendance.

Section III

Executive Committee of the Faculty Council

A.    Composition and Method of Election

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council shall consist of the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, ex officio, and twelve members of the Faculty Council. The Faculty members shall include nine Professors, Associate Professors, Senior Research Scholars and Scientists or Research Scholars and Scientists, and three Assistant Professors, or Associate Research Scholars and Scientists, at the time of their election. Among the Professors, Associate Professors, Senior Research Scholars and Scientists and Research Scholars and Scientists, three shall be from the Basic Science Departments and six from the Clinical Departments. One Assistant Professor or Associate Research Scholar and Scientist shall be from the Basic Science Departments and two from the Clinical Departments. One-half of the Executive Committee members shall be elected annually for a two-year term from a slate of not less than twice the number of vacancies. The number of individuals elected in a given category shall be equal from one year to the next insofar as possible. The slate of candidates for the Executive Committee shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and elected by the Faculty Council by e-mail ballot. The Committee in arriving at its slate shall consult with the Dean and such other individuals as it sees fit. The slate shall be presented at a regular spring meeting of the Faculty Council. Elections to the Executive Committee shall be by e-mail ballot and completed three weeks after distribution of the ballots.

Members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for only one consecutive re-election. Vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee until the next regular election. Newly elected Executive Committee members shall assume their duties in the fall. The Dean or a member of the Executive Committee designated by the Dean shall preside at each meeting. At its first meeting, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council shall choose a Spokesperson from among its elected members for a term of one year. The Spokesperson shall represent the Executive Committee at meetings of the Faculty Council. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council shall meet quarterly during the academic year and may be convened with due notice at any time at the request of three members.

B.    Powers

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council shall:
1.    Have the power to act on behalf of the Faculty Council in matters that require immediate action between regular meetings of the Faculty Council, and in business which in its judgment need not await the next meeting of the Faculty Council. Such actions shall be reported in writing to the Faculty Council for approval at its next meeting. It shall also have the power to call the Faculty Council into special session;
2.    Prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Faculty Council. It shall distribute the agenda for the next meeting at least one week before regular meetings of the Faculty Council; and
3.    Identify issues of major importance to the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons and distribute pertinent information to the entire voting faculty to enable wide discussion of these issues before action is taken by the Faculty Council.
4.    Review and address final appeals of disciplinary decisions regarding VP&S students.

Section IV

Committees of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

I.    Standing Committees
1.    The standing committees shall include Committees on Admissions, on Curriculum and on Appointments and Promotions.

2.    The Chair of each standing committee shall be recommended by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine.

3.    Faculty members of standing committees shall serve for three years and may serve consecutive terms not to exceed two. There shall be no restrictions on subsequent service beyond two terms on any committee, provided one three-year term without service on that particular committee intervenes. One-third of the members shall retire annually. Initially members shall be elected for 1, 2 or 3 years respectively.

4.    The Executive Committee shall review and approve a slate of candidates from the Faculty for each standing committee and shall present the slate to the Faculty Council for approval. Newly elected committee members shall assume their duties in the fall.

5.    Composition and Functions of Standing Committees:

I. Committee on Education Policy and Curriculum (CEPC)
a.    Composition

The committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, , and at least twelve members of the Faculty, approved by Faculty Council. The Faculty members of the committee shall include at least eight faculty members, representing both foundational/basic science and clinical specialties, inclusive of all phases of the curriculum. (curricular leaders), the chairs of the CEPC sub-committees, two seats appointed by the chair to balance diverse perspectives (e.g. race, gender, specialty, individual representing new initiatives) and four students, one from each of the four classes selected by Student Curriculum Advisory Board (SCAB) to progress longitudinally through the MD program and at least one student from College of Dental Medicine selected by the Academic Dean for Predoctoral Programs, College of Dental Medicine. The students, from each class, shall stand for these positions and shall be elected by a majority of at least forty percent of the class.

b.    Functions of the Committee on Education Policy and Curriculum 

The faculty of VP&S, through CEPC, are solely responsible for the detailed development, design, and implementation of all components of the medical education program, including the medical education program objectives, the learning objectives for each required curricular segment, instructional and assessment methods appropriate for the achievement of those objectives, content and content sequencing, ongoing review and updating of content, and evaluation of course, clerkship, and teacher quality. These medical education program objectives, learning objectives, content, and instructional and assessment methods are subject to ongoing monitoring, review, and revision by the responsible committee.

All matters concerning curricular affairs will come with the purview of this committee. Among its various activities will be: continual review and evaluation of courses; promotion of centralized interdepartmental and/or interdivisional coordination of teaching activities; formulation of proposals for curricular changes; and develop and implement policies in order to maintain compliance with LCME Standards. The committee may invite representatives of the concerned departments and schools to join with them in their deliberations as appropriate. The committee shall report to the Dean of the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons all recommendations on MD program matters. If the committee’s proposals involve significant changes in the curriculum, the Dean shall submit them to the Faculty Council for reporting and notification.

II.    Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Committee on Appointments and Promotions 

a.    Composition
The Committee on Appointments and Promotions (COAP) shall consist of two Co-Chairs appointed by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine,, and reflective of the diversity of the faculty 11 Professors  and Senior Research Scientists three each with a primary focus of clinical medicine, education, and investigation, , and two from the basic science departments, each elected for three year terms with the ability to serve a second three year term. Each year the Dean will designate the two co-chairs.

b.    Functions

1.    All nominations for appointments and promotions to Associate Professor and Professor, Associate Professor at CUMC and Professor at CUMC, Senior Research Scholar or Scientist, and Research Scholar or Scientist shall be referred by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine] to the committee for appropriate action. The committee shall consider for appointments and promotions to these positions only those nominations which have been approved by an appropriate departmental committee. The Chair of the Department will forward to the Committee on Appointments and Promotions (VP&S) all relevant material. If approved by the committee the nomination will be forwarded to the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of the Health Sciences and Medicine who will refer the nomination to the Committee on Appointments and Promotions of the Health Sciences.

If a full COAP review for appointments at advanced rank is not done prior to the start date of such faculty, an expedited review will be done by a sub- committee of COAP consisting of the two co-chairs and three members. This sub-committee will recommend the appropriate professorial rank. Full COAP review will still be required within 6-9 months.

2.    Nominations for appointments and promotions to Assistant Professor, Associate Research Scholar, Associate Research Scientist and below shall be initiated by the respective Chair(s) and shall be subject to review by the Dean who may elect to refer the nomination to the Committee on Appointments and Promotions (VP&S).

III.    Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CUIMC)

a.    Composition
The Columbia University Irving Medical Center Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CUIMC COAP) and its co-chairs are appointed by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and the Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine. The committee consists of 11 voting members to include: seven members from the College of Physicians and Surgeons to include at least two basic scientists, two members from the Mailman School of Public Health, and one each from the College of Dental Medicine, and the School of Nursing. Members shall be appointed by the Deans of each school. The term for each member shall be determined according to the stated rules of each health science school’s COAP. Up to three ad hoc alternate members (with previous service on either CUIMC COAP or TRAC) may be added to the CUIMC COAP to serve as needed to provide additional expertise or to make up a voting quorum.

b.    Function

1.    Votes on and makes recommendations to the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and the Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine the following types of appointments: award of tenure; promotions of faculty with tenure; intra- or inter-school joint appointments whether submitted with the original appointment or promotion to tenure, or requested separately at a later date; and inter-school interdisciplinary appointments submitted with the original appointment or with promotion to tenure. All nominations for appointment and promotion to these positions shall be referred by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine to the CUIMC COAP for appropriate action. The CUIMC COAP shall consider for appointment and promotion to these positions only those nominations which have been approved by an appropriate school or departmental committee. The Dean of the Faculty or Chairman of the Department shall forward to the CUIMC COAP all relevant material.

2.    The Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine shall consider the advisory decision of the CUIMC COAP as follows and may recommend advance of the nomination to the Office of the Provost.

Nominations to Tenure shall be submitted to the Office of the Provost for further review by a University-wide Tenure Review Advisory Committee (TRAC). TRAC shall forward its recommendation to the Provost. The Provost shall submit a recommendation to the President. When the Provost and President concur that the nomination shall be approved, the Provost shall notify the Dean of the respective Faculty or the Faculty of Medicine Department Chairman.

Nominations for promotion of faculty with Tenure shall be forwarded  to the respective Faculty Council/Assembly for ratification and subsequently to the Office of the Provost which shall forward it to the Trustees of the University for final approval.

IV.    Committee on Admissions

a.    Composition

The committee shall consist of at least twelve members of the Faculty, approved by Faculty Council, equally divided among faculty teaching in all phases of the curriculum,  the Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging or their designee, and the Chair of the Committee appointed by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine. These individuals have the sole authority to select, evaluate and admit students to Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons. Four medical students, one each from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year classes shall also be members (non-voting); they shall be elected by a majority vote of at least forty percent of their respective classes.

b.    Functions

It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to:
1.    Report admission    policies    and    requirements    and    submit CEPC approved requirements for admissions  to the Faculty Council;
2.    Assume responsibility for training new members, updating returning members in admission practices and promulgating and adopting any necessary revisions.
3.    Implement the admissions policies;
4.    Act on all applications for admission to the Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons;
5.    Provide prospective students and their advisors with information about admission requirements, programs of instruction, and opportunities for advanced training;
6.    Report annually to the Faculty Council to describe and summarize the Committee’s activities.


Academic Review and Appeal Committee
a.    Composition
The committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, and at least six members of the Faculty, including at least two members of the Faculty Council Executive Committee and inclusive of, representing both foundational/basic science and clinical specialties, across all phases of the curriculum. This committee ensures that every medical student completes each required VP&S curricular element in a satisfactory and timely manner, meets all requirements for promotion to the next phase and year of training, and satisfies all academic and technical requirements for the Doctor of Medicine (“MD”) degree. Ratifies changes to the curriculum approved by the VP&S Curriculum Committee and modifies criteria for promotion, at-risk status, or Adverse Action in response to these curricular changes.

b.    Functions:
1.    Engage in a periodic review system to track both the academic performance and progress of students
2.    Function as oversight of Student Progress Committees that are responsible for the evaluation of student academic progress and make decisions about promotion to the next curricular phase, to ensure that academic standards are maintained. These entities do not set academic policy, nor should they modulate the importance of any academic standard or policy set by the College. Please refer to the most current VP&S Policy: Academic Progress and Promotion for specifics on membership, terms, charge, and procedures.  
3.    Review any professionalism or disciplinary actions that result from a violation of VP&S standards 
4.    Forward any disciplinary actions to Faculty Council Executive Committee which is responsible for reviewing allegations of violations of VP&S standards and determining consequences for violations.
5.    The Academic Review and Appeal Committee will represent the Faculty in these matters when there is an appeal. 

II.    The Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine shall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, appoint ad hoc committees at appropriate intervals to review the performance and practices of the Executive Committee and the Standing Committees of the Faculty of the College of Physicians & Surgeons.

Section V


Amendments to these stated rules may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Faculty Council, but may not be voted upon before the next following regular meeting. The Faculty may propose amendments to the Faculty Council by petition of twenty-five voting members through the Secretary of the Faculty Council. Alternatively, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council may propose amendments by notice to the Secretary of the Faculty Council. At least two weeks prior to this second meeting, notice of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all members of the Faculty Council. If approved by majority vote of the Faculty Council, the amendment shall be submitted to the Faculty for final approval. Voting by the Faculty shall be by written ballot and shall require for adoption the approval of two-thirds of the ballots returned.