Rental Payment Policy - Columbia Residential

Columbia University residential units in buildings in the immediate vicinity of the Morningside Heights campus are primarily used to house full-time students, faculty and other employees. Apartments are rented based on such persons maintaining a full-time affiliation in a housing-eligible academic program or in full-time, housing-eligible employment. This housing is managed by Columbia Residential, a division of Columbia University Facilities and Operations. This policy covers residents and former residents (referred to herein as "resident") with respect to rent payments on these units.

Reason(s) for the Policy

Making University apartment housing available to eligible students, faculty and other employees is an accommodation provided by the University. Failure to make rental payments in a timely manner is a default under the housing agreement and causes undue financial and administrative burdens to the University.

Who is Governed by This Policy

This policy governs all current, former and potential residents of Columbia Residential.

Who Should Know This Policy

All current, former and potential residents of Columbia Residential and members of senior management of the University should know this policy.

Rental Payment Policy of Columbia Residential

This policy requires the timely payment of rent related to University residential units, which are primarily used to house full-time students, faculty and other employees. Apartments are rented based on such persons maintaining a full-time affiliation in a housing-eligible academic program or full-time, housing-eligible employment.

Billing and Payment of Rent


Rent is billed to students on a monthly basis by Student Financial Services (SFS). The monthly rental charge will typically appear on the student’s SFS account during the final week of each month. In accordance with the signed housing agreement, rent is due on the first of every month. Rent is pro-rated based on the move-in date.

Failure to make timely rent payments in accordance with the lease terms may result in any or all of the following:

  • Non-renewal of housing agreement at the end of the agreement period
  • Withholding of resident's registration privileges, diplomas, certificates and transcripts
  • Legal action, which may result in non-payment or holdover judicial eviction proceedings. In addition, resident may be held responsible for unpaid rent, attorney fees and interest
  • Any other remedy as permitted by law

Faculty and Other Employees

Rent is billed to residents on a monthly basis by the Office of the Controller (OTC) and payment is due in full on the first day of each month. Rent payments are only accepted from the resident of record.

Failure to make timely rent payments in accordance with the lease terms may result in any or all of the following:

  • Non-renewal of lease at the end of the lease period
  • Legal action, which may result in non-payment or holdover judicial eviction proceedings. In addition, resident may be held responsible for unpaid rent, attorney fees and interest
  • Any other remedy as permitted by law
Requests for Abatements

All abatement requests must be submitted in writing to Columbia Residential for disposition. No abatements will be provided without written agreement from Columbia Residential. Rent may not be withheld by a resident for presumed outstanding abatements. Non-payment of rent without written agreement from Columbia Residential will be subject to the remedies described above.

Requests for Early Termination of Leases or Contracts

Unless Columbia Residential grants approval (see below), a resident who vacates a room or apartment or transfers between rooms or apartments prior to the end of the housing agreement is considered in default under the agreement terms. As a result, monthly rent charges will continue to accrue, and the resident will be held responsible for the charges. To the extent that the resident does not meet these obligations, the security deposit (if any) may be used to reduce the liability. A request for early termination of the housing agreement may be made to Columbia Residential. Such requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.