Mailings/Bulk Mail

This policy contains information about the mass paper, procedures and mailing list provided by Human Resources to Columbia Print

Mailings/Bulk Mail
Mass Paper

In order to facilitate communication between Columbia departments and employees throughout the University, Human Resources provides Columbia Print with campus address lists of faculty and staff. There are 14 listed below under  7 different categories. Within each category you may choose to send to just faculty and staff at Morningside and Manhattanville or to faculty and staff at all locations. Counts may vary somewhat from week to week.

Please note that mailings are for official Columbia business only.


Contact Pilar Alayo at [email protected] with the purpose of the mailing and the identifying number of the mailing list. If approved, your request will be forwarded on to Columbia Print which will be responsible for campus distribution.

For detailed information with regard to getting your document duplicated (if necessary), cost for the particular mailing, and special instructions, please contact Columbia Print at (212) 854-3233.

Mailing Lists


VPs, Deans, Chairs, Directors

List #1: Morningside and Manhattanville only

List #2: All locations


VPs, Deans, Chairs, Directors, Managers, and DAs

List #3: Morningside and Manhattanville only

List #4: All locations


Full-time Salaried Officers of Instruction

List #5: Morningside and Manhattanville only

List #6: All locations


Full-time and Part-time Salaried Officers of Instruction

List #7: Morningside and Manhattanville only

List #8: All locations


All Salaried Officers (Administration, Instruction, Research, & the Libraries)

List #9: Morningside and Manhattanville only

List #10: All locations


All Full-time Salaried Officers (Administration, Instruction, Research, & the Libraries)

List #9a: Morningside and Manhattanville only

List #10a: All locations


All Salaried Employees (includes Support Staff)

List #11: Morningside and Manhattanville only

List #12: All locations