Access to Personnel Records
Personnel files contain records that are necessary and relevant for University business and are the sole property of the University. The files are kept confidential and are used only for University business, by the staff themselves, and when required by a lawful subpoena or by court order that has been properly served by one having the authority to do so. The University will notify the employee of such a request when it is received. Employees may review the contents of their personnel file by making an appointment with HR Client Services. Copies of materials contained in the personnel file may be made only with the approval of the Vice President for Human Resources, Chief Human Resources Officer or designee.
Who is governed by This Policy
This policy covers all Officers of Administration, Officers of the Libraries, and Non-Union Support Staff employed by Columbia University.
Who Should Know This Policy
All Columbia University Officers of Administration, Officers of the Libraries, and Non-Union Support Staff should review and understand this policy.
Departmental Administrators and Human Resource managers should review and understand this policy as well as refer to the Manager Toolkit located on the Columbia University Human Resources website.