Reason(s) for the Policy
For contracts over a certain dollar threshold awarded by the federal government, a formal plan is required outlining purchases with Small Business Concerns for various categories of spend under the contract.
Primary Guidance to Which This Policy Responds
This policy is promulgated in accordance with Executive Order 11246 and Public Law 95-507 of the Federal government and their implementing regulations.
Responsible University Office and Officer
Responsible University Office: Purchasing
Responsible University Officer: Manager, Small Business Compliance and Vendor Outreach
Revision History
This policy revises the policy on Small Business Concerns located in the Purchasing Policies and Procedure Guidelines (Appendix 9), dated March 10, 2005.
Who is governed by this Policy
This policy applies to everyone working at the University, or working on behalf of the University, who manages any aspect of purchasing activity with University's federal funds.
Exclusions and Special Situations
This policy applies to all locations or organizations (internal or external to the University).